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We are a company built on innovation, tradition and respect for nature. Our founder Leif Kjetil Gjendemsjø has always thrived with sharing ideas and collaborating with others to find solutions that is better for our health, the planet and future generations.

For Pharma Marine innovation is key to be able to continue to develop a wide variety of premium quality sustainable products and delivery forms, to make it more convenient for people to consume their daily need of EPA and DHA.

Leif Kjetil is a pioneer by heart and was already in the 1980`s producing two piece hard gelatin fish oil capsules for the food supplement market and he was one of the first to introduce omega-3 concentrates to the world market. Newer inventions consist of developing new innovating production procedures and technologies to make new and improved products. This has led to new eco-friendly and sustainable omega-3 products from trimmings of food production of seafood.

From the beginning of Pharma Marine, innovation has been a natural part of our journey. Our experienced team works with a passion, pride and love for what they do, and this is perhaps why they are so motivated to keep searching for new sources and formulas to give people a better health - and a better quality of life.

Pharma Marine’s first product was CalaMarine® – a product based on trimmings from food production of squid. This was the first omega-3 concentrate on the market made from squid and it is certified as sustainable by Friend of the Sea.

A few years later we launched the unique CodMarine® – a product made possible by the cooperation between Pharma Marine™ and the fishing vessels in the CodMarine® fleet. CodMarine® is made from trimmings of food production of wild-caught MSC certified North East Arctic Cod, Saithe and Haddock. Since we use all trimmings and not only the liver, we like to call CodMarine® a modern version of cod liver oil. The collaboration with the fishing vessels in the CodMarine® Fleet also makes it possible for our customers to trace the finished product back to the fishing vessel and to which area the fish was caught.

GourmetMarine™ is the result of the desire to make omega-3 available for everyone. In this product we use one of our omega-3 oils mixed with various healthy vegetable oils such as organic extra virgin olive oil. The idea is to use GourmetMarine™ on food to make it more convenient and pleasant for consumers to consume their daily dosage of EPA and DHA.

Our facilities

Pharma Marine’s factory is an eco-friendly facility where we are always working on improving and optimizing every process. Also in the factory we are aiming to utilize everything we harvest from nature, so nothing goes to waste. This is why we use rest fractions, that is not suitable for human consumption or feed, to produce steam for our production. The residual heat from production is used to warm up the building and storage tanks.

In addition to this we also use sea water collected right outside the factory for cooling in processes where that is needed. In addition we have a state-of-the-art control system for optimal adjusting of production parameters to reduce the use of energy.

Innovation today

The team at Pharma Marine consists of experienced and well educated people. We have our own R&D department with pilot equipment and analytical instruments. We also have a sophisticated quality control lab with the latest technologies.

At Pharma Marine™ we are constantly working to find new and improved technologies and processes to produce premium quality omega-3 in different forms such as triglycerides (TG), natural triglyceride concentrates (nTG), re-esterified triglycerides (rTG) and ethyl-esters (EE) from sustainable raw material. In the design of our processes and equipment we aim to have the gentlest treatment of the oil. We always do our outmost to make sure we deliver great tasting quality products. Pharma Marine is probably the only company that has the possibility to make omega-3 products from fresh or frozen raw material, refine it and fill it in liquid bottles or sachets - all at the same factory.

Pharma Marine™ strive to deliver our customers premium quality products. For us that means a product that is from sustainable raw material, produced in an environmentally friendly way with optimal technology and processes, quality tested through the various processes and that gives us pure products with great sensory profile.


for innovation